48 GoodLifeFamilyMag.com SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2017 GoodLifeFamilyMag.com SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2017 49 to a new job. Graduate richlandcollege.edu Richland College DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. Often when our game plan is not working we just keep doing the same thing and hope it eventually works. In some cases, the problem may rectify itself; however, in the case of learning and academic progress it may be time for a psychoeducational evaluation.  These evaluations are designed to explore cognitive and academic strengths and weaknesses using individually administered assessment measures. The first part of a psychoeducational evaluation includes examining cognitive abilities (infamously known as IQ), which includes verbal skills, nonverbal problem solving, visual perception, long-term memory, processing speed, short-term memory, and phonological processing. These skills are then used as comparison for a student’s reading, writing, math, listening and speaking abilities. If there is a discrepancy or outliers in any area, then the clinician can determine how to use the strengths to build up the weaknesses. THERE ARE MANY BENEFITS TO A PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL EVALUATION INCLUDING: 1Knowing your children’s learning profile can eliminate some of the guesswork of helping them to be successful in school. 2Testing can allow you to understand what your children are capable of doing and not doing in school and socially. 3Students with learning differences are bright, but in order to meet their potential, they need specific recommended strategies, such as extended time, a low-distraction testing environment, extra tutorials, or a peer note-taker. These can be provided from elementary school up through college if you have the documentation to prove that it is needed. 4A good evaluator will also help your students become an advocate for themselves by explaining the results and showing them, why certain accommodations will help them reach their potential. 5These evaluations can help even the playing field for those who have a specific learning impairment. Psychoeducational evaluations can be requested through the public school; however, if the student does not demonstrate an academic need the request may be denied, and you may want to consider testing privately. Although it can be an expense to be evaluated privately, assessing their abilities may prevent years of frustration for both you and your child and help them achieve their full potential. Editor’s Note: Tierney Thompson, Ph.D. is an educational diagnostician who has been teaching, tutoring, and evaluating students with specific learningdisabilitiesandADHDfor20years.Reachherat214.394.0929 or go to www.thompsondiagnostics.com. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENTS CAN HELP YOUR KIDS REALIZE THEIR FULL POTENTIAL BOTH IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL By Dr.TierneyThompson / Contributor Good Strategies for Learning